Tuesday 25 November 2014

Life {Unscripted} Blog Circle: November Volume

Thanks for taking a look at AnnMarie from One33 Photography's yummy session HERE
I don't know about you but I think I need a Oreo now. 

Welcome to the November Volume of our Life {Unscripted} blog circle. 
Make sure to click in the link below to keep the circle going.

November for us started out cold, then one day the snow started, and 
after 2 days we were in a winter wonderland. How could I not go out and play with this whole new backdrop of gorgeousness. 
I am starting to think that I might need some late night online shopping to restock a closet full of awesomeness for this winter season, Oh and maybe 
also a macro lens to play with snowflakes. (Santa, I am hinting that towards you) 
This months was also a time to start thinking "Chirstmas Card Photos". 
This year we found a local tree farm, snapped a shot off all 3 minions smiling, then got to the real fun!  snapping those unscripted memories. 

Here is our life {unscripted}

Breaking out the winter coats.

SnOw DaY!!

Catching snowflakes

Exploring the Tree Farm



To continue this blog circle, check out the next blog,
from Chrissy of Chrissy Ray Photography
It is full of awesomeness this month, that makes me
want to take a road trip to were she lives, go check it out!

Also, visit us on Facebook to share your {unscripted} images.